Fremington Medical Centre

Telephone lines open 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday

Inhaler Users

Fremington Medical Centre is absolutely committed to doing what we can to help the environment and to be part of the solution to the climate emergency we are facing.

Did you know that…

  • Approximately 73 million inhalers are used in the UK every year
  • Landfill disposal of inhalers is harmful to the environment both in material waste and in greenhouse gas emissions as the residual gas from canisters is released to the atmosphere
  • If every inhaler-user in the UK returned all their inhalers for one year, this could save 512,330 tonnes of CO2 (the same as a VW Golf car being driven around the world 88,606 times)
  • The only environmentally safe way to dispose of inhalers is through thermal treatment, such as incineration; this won’t happen if people just pop their inhalers in the bin at home
  • Can we encourage all of our patients, wherever possible please to return their used inhalers to pharmacies so that they can be destroyed safely