Fremington Medical Centre

Lines open 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday

New recall system for annual reviews

From 1st April 2024, we are making some changes to the way we invite our patients in for their annual routine reviews. This includes patients on one or more of our chronic disease registers, such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma. Patients with a mobile telephone will have greater control over the booking of their routine review appointments.

Patients with a mobile number on their record will be sent a text message in or around their month of birth, with an easy self-booking link option to book any appointments. This exciting change means that patients with mobiles will no longer need to telephone reception to book their routine review. Instead, it offers better control over the booking of appointments, at a time that suits.

Patients can still call reception to book routine appointments if they choose to not use the self-booking link. Any patients without a mobile on their record will continue to receive a letter invite to telephone reception to book their routine appointments.

If you don’t think we have your mobile number on your record, please get in touch.